Oil & Gas
Land Management

TLD 034 - Texas Oilman's Hall of Fame with Jonathan Grammer

Date Published:
November 14, 2024
Jonathan Grammer
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Join Brent Broussard and Jonathan Grammer as they delve into a comprehensive conversation about the complexities and evolving nature of land management in the energy sector. 

Time Stamps

  • 00:48 - Episode Intro
  • 01:34 - Guest Introduction: Jonathan Grammer
  • 03:12 - Jonathan's Background and Career
  • 10:57 - Challenges in Land and Energy Development
  • 15:35 - Collaborative Efforts in Energy Projects
  • 21:38 - Carbon Storage & Mineral Development
  • 28:38 - Texas: The Energy Leader
  • 30:01 - Challenges Facing Landowners
  • 42:00 - Future Trends in Land and Energy
  • 49:04 - Low-Hanging Fruits in Energy Development

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Snippets from the Episode

  • "We live in challenging times, but that doesn't mean they need to be defeated. it just means minds have to get a lot sharper, more creative." - Jonathan Grammer
  • "The best way to prevent a fire is to not let it start." - Brent Broussard
  • "I think it's going to be a ride. And you better try to get on the front row seat so that you can be proactive about where you position yourself as a landman or energy professional." - Brent Broussard
  • "We live in a development period, not a wildcat period. Acreage matters way more today." - Jonathan Grammer
  • "The biggest challenge is going to be proof of concept." - Jonathan Grammer
  • "Money is going to get impatient. People are going to get impatient. Legislators are going to get impatient. And the people that are going to benefit right now are those  that have their minds fixed on 2030." - Jonathan Grammer


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